Waiver Liability Waiver(For registered students, students taking a trial class, or any studio rentals): As a participant, or as a parent/guardian of a participant of Seven Hills Dance Studio programs, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume full risk of any injuries, including damages, death or loss which may be sustained as a result of participation in any activities connected with Seven Hills Dance Studio. I agree to waive and relinquish all claims agains Seven Hills Dance Studio and its faculty members from any and all claims resulting from participation in the program. In case of accidents or sickness, I consent to temporary first aid for myself or my child to be rendered by staff and/or emergency medical care to be provided by ambulance or hospital personnel. I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases and viruses and voluntarily assume the risks that I and/or my children may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending and participating and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Seven Hills Dance Studio their officers, officials, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event, WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. Image Release(For registered students, students taking a trial class, or any studio rentals). I understand that photographs, recordings, tapings, or filming of participants by any and all Seven Hills Dance Studio employees, independent contractors, or members of the press become the property of Seven Hills Dance Studio and may be used in current or future print/tv/video/web form and/or sale.Electronic Signature(For registered students): I agree that registration constitutes as a signature and forms a binding contract with Seven Hills Dance Studio for the season of September - May. By registering, I accept responsibility for tuition and costumes regardless of attendance and hereby authorize Seven Hills Dance Studio to auto-charge the method on file. I have read and understood all of the studio policy information and agree to be bound by the policies, waiver, and release below.Withdrawal Contract(For registered students): All withdrawals must be made in writing by December 1. Failure to attend does not constitute a withdrawal. Costume & Company fees are non-refundable. The above is subject to change pending the evolution of COVID-19 and measures of any government authority.Dancer Name Parent/Guardian Name (if under 18) Date PhoneEmail Student Type(Required)Are you a current student, trial student, or other?Please selectCurrent StudentTrial StudentOtherNotes