Company Acceptance Form Please complete the online form below to accept your company invitation. DUE JUNE 15! Acceptance Form "*" indicates required fields Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Dancer's Name Guardian 1 Name Guardian 2 Name Phone NumbersHelpful for competition weekends or text groups.Primary Cell #Secondary # (if desired)Student Cell # (if applicable)Email AddressesThis will be used for a mass email list, but we will primarily use the BAND app to communicate.Primary Email Secondary email (if desired) Student Email Purchase Co Jackets & Earrings in PARENT PORTAL STORE by AUG 1.Login to Parent Portal & click STORE from Menu. NEW MEMBERS: Team Jackets $65 & Competition Earrings $15 (pierced or clip-on). RETURNING MEMBERS: Replacements as needed. ALL members will need to purchase false eyelashes & glue (local drugstore).Company Fees$205 – Due monthly via auto-pay Aug 25 – May 25. INCLUDES: Company Instruction during August & Fridays and/or Saturdays during the year, Entry Fees, Event Fees, Company Costumes, & Convention Class Fees. Combined into one monthly fee for convenience & spread out as many months as possible. This fee is outside of regular class tuition/costumes.Optional DancesPlease review info and fees below for OPTIONAL dances that will be choreographed this season in addition to regular co dances. Rehearsals are mandatory if you choose to participate.Senior Company Residency with Kyla$150 choreographer's fee per dancer DUE TO KYLA at 1st rehearsal via cash, check, or venmo @kylalhull (Last 4 cell 7991 if needed). Fall rehearsals will be every other week on Wednesdays before Adv Hip Hop. SUMMER REHEARSALS: Monday, July 29 - Friday, Aug 2 from 12:30 - 4:30 PM. Costume will be a "look" that dancers will be able to shop for on their own cost effectively. To cover entry fees and fall rehearsal time, $20 will be added to co payment Aug 25 - May 25.Select answerDo you plan to participate in residency?Select answerYesNoDoes not applyTeen & Senior Company Hip Hop with HillaryRehearsals will be Tuesdays in August from 7-8 PM. Fall rehearsals will be every other week on Wednesdays before Adv HIp Hop. To cover entry fees, costume, and instruction time, $30 will be added to co payment Aug 25 - May 25.Select answerDo you plan to participate in hip hop?Select answerYesNoDoes not applyTeen Company Lyrical with JuliRehearsals will be Thursdays in August from 7-8 PM as well as the first Sat of each month in the fall from 11-12. To cover entry fees, costume, and instruction time, $30 will be added to co payment Aug 25 - May 25.Select answerDo you plan to participate in lyrical?Select answerYesNoDoes not applyJunior Company Musical Theatre with MaryRehearsals will be Tuesdays in August from 7-8 PM. Additional instruction time in the fall TBA. To cover entry fees, costume, and instruction time, $30 will be added to co payment Aug 25 - May 25.Select answerDo you plan to participate in musical theatre?Select answerYesNoDoes not applyPayment InfoCard Type:*I authorize Seven Hills Dance Studio to use the method below for charges indicated above (except Kyla's choreographer fee which is due directly to her or solo/duo/trio choreographer's fees due directly to choreographers). Due to compliance rules, payment info must be entered each year with this authorization.Card Type:VisaMasterCardDiscoverHelp us set up your billing:*Do you plan to use this same method for regular class tuition Sept 10 - May 10 which includes recital costumes? Answering this will help us set up your billing correctly.Select answerYesNoCard Number Exp CVV Billing Name Billing Address City, State, Zip Birth CertificateNEW MEMBERS ONLY. Please upload a secure copy of your child's birth certificate for proof of age at competitions.FileMax. file size: 32 MB.Solo/Duo/Trio FeesProposalCompany ContractBy electronically signing, we consent to:Excessive absences will be handled by your teachers and could result in being removed from parts or all of a dance, and ultimately dismissal. Dancers and parents agree to: pay installments and fees in full, abide by all standards and consequences, pay attention, be dressed appropriately, be ready to work and show respect to teachers and peers, be enrolled in ballet, tap, & jazz at Seven Hills (and lyrical and/or modern if in Senior Co), participate in select community events, performances, and master classes throughout the year, attend summer camp, August practices, and weekly practices, hold harmless Seven Hills Dance Studio, its directors and staff, as well as all independent contractors or third party conventions/competitions from any and all claims, loss of/damage to personal property or injuries sustained while participating in any activity associated with Dance Company, and give permission to use photos, performances, and likeness for publicity or documentary purposes royalty-free in perpetuity.Consent (Guardian 1) Consent (Guardian 2) Consent (Dancer)